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Benefit for Karl ‘Strength For A Reason’ Kivler w/No Turning Back, All For Nothing, State of Mind, Cornered + many more

NO TURNING BACK (NL) ALL FOR NOTHING (NL) STATE OF MIND (NL) LOOK MY WAY (GER) WORLD EATER (GER) CORNERED (NL) SUFFER SURVIVE (GER) GET WISE (BE) REDEMPTION DENIED (BE) 0FIGHT8 (NL) MAINSTAGE: 00:30-… AFTER PARTY with DJ Caramba & DJ Marc 00:00-00:30 No turning … Continue reading Benefit for Karl ‘Strength For A Reason’ Kivler w/No Turning Back, All For Nothing, State of Mind, Cornered + many more

Reason To Care – Evyn

Reason To Care show that Defeater is not the only band that can successfully pull of a concept album.

Vegetarian Shoes for sale!

Veggie Shoes have come a long way since first started in 1990. The shoes are made in Portugal and made without any animal procucts, the shoes are completely Vegetarian/Vegan made. The Veggie sneakers are now available thru Crucial Response Mailorder. Here is what we have in stock now: Airseal 14 eye Boot (Black) As with … Continue reading Vegetarian Shoes for sale!

Harm Haverman

Reaching Forward, Razor Crusade, Modern Life Is War and since recently No Turning Back… You know the bands, you know the man.

Downpresser – Don’t Need A Reason

After three years of silence, Santa Barbara, California’s Downpresser has released the most impressive, most effective and most addictive hardcore album of 2013.

Strength Showcase: Backfire, Do Or Die, Convict (Burn The Flags release), Hard Resistance en Angstgegner

STRENGTH RECORDS SHOWCASE (BACKFIRE! – DO OR DIE – CONVICT -HARD RESISTANCE – ANGSTGEGNER) Om het jaar maar eens goed te beginnen, en wellicht nog eens duchtige te proosten op het nieuwe jaar, presenteert Strenght Records samen met Dynamo Hardt een avondje Hardcore strength. De line-up bestaat uit de fijnste Nederlandse en Belgische hardcore orkestjes, … Continue reading Strength Showcase: Backfire, Do Or Die, Convict (Burn The Flags release), Hard Resistance en Angstgegner